Health informatics

AI measure predicts hospital discharge

The Adelaide Score, the brainchild of researchers at the University of Adelaide, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and the Health and Information (HI) collaborative, could be tested in South Australian hospitals later this year, ...


EPA moves to reduce exposure to carcinogenic sterilizer

The US Environmental Protection Agency proposed measures on Tuesday to reduce exposure to ethylene oxide (EtO), a chemical widely used to sterilize medical equipment that has been found to increase the risk of certain cancers.

Health informatics

AI unmasks failures in medical personal protective equipment

Medical personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential to infectious disease control, something that has, in pandemic times, become very apparent. Governments and organizations in affected areas generally recommend the ...

Medical research

Wearable microscopes advance spinal cord imaging in mice

The spinal cord acts as a messenger, carrying signals between the brain and body to regulate everything from breathing to movement. While the spinal cord is known to play an essential role in relaying pain signals, technology ...

Biomedical technology

Augmenting the human body with a wearable robotic arm

Imagine having a third arm—a robotic one—to assist you with daily living. Silvestro Micera from EPFL, Switzerland, is engineering the human nervous system to make this a possibility.

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