
Are there drugs in our water?

Recreational drugs could become a major source of Australian urban water contamination, scientists warn.


Sex, drugs, and genes: Moral attitudes share a genetic basis

Few hallmarks of the 1960s counterculture stand out like sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll—elements of a "lifestyle" that Life magazine once branded as "antithetical in almost every respect to that of conventional America." ...

Medical research

Toward a cocaine vaccine to help addicts kick the habit

In their decades-long search for vaccines against drugs of abuse, scientists have hit upon a new approach to annul cocaine's addictive buzz. They report in the ACS journal Molecular Pharmaceutics that their strategy, which ...


Liberal Hawaii decides again not to legalize marijuana

On the political spectrum, Hawaii is among the bluest of states. Democrats control all the levers of power at the state and federal levels, and voters back Democratic presidential candidates over Republicans by some of the ...

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