
Study finds recreational drug users not what we think

A James Cook University researcher has been investigating why Australians are among the top users of illegal drugs in the world – and has uncovered some revealing new facts about the motivations of recreational drug users.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Scientists show brain's own opioids involved in musical pleasure

The same brain-chemical system that mediates feelings of pleasure from sex, recreational drugs, and food is also critical to experiencing musical pleasure, according to a study by McGill University researchers published today ...

Medical research

Toward a cocaine vaccine to help addicts kick the habit

In their decades-long search for vaccines against drugs of abuse, scientists have hit upon a new approach to annul cocaine's addictive buzz. They report in the ACS journal Molecular Pharmaceutics that their strategy, which ...


British men who pay for sex have many (unpaid) sexual partners

British men who pay for sex tend to have high numbers of unpaid sexual partners, putting them at heightened risk of both acquiring and passing on sexually transmitted infections, finds research published online in the journal ...

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