
Check your summer burn IQ

(HealthDay)—Sunburn might be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of summer burns, but it's not the only burn that could spoil your summertime fun.


MU program helps health care workers move past tragedy

When a patient dies unexpectedly, whether suddenly or after a long illness, the loss can hit loved ones hard. In some of these cases, health care workers can be affected deeply due to the emotional bonding that can occur ...


BSN prepared nurses connected to fewer patient deaths

When hospitals hire more nurses with four-year degrees, patient deaths following common surgeries decrease, according to new research by the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing's Center for Health Outcomes and Policy ...


Web learning improves nurses' triage skills

(HealthDay)—Web-based learning is effective at standardizing training for triage skills of registered nurses (RNs), according to a review published in the January issue of the Journal of Emergency Nursing.


Long shifts lead to nurse burnout and dissatisfied patients

Extended work shifts of twelve hours or longer are common and popular among hospital staff nurses, but a new study reports that nurses working longer shifts were more likely to experience burnout, job dissatisfaction, and ...

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