Oncology & Cancer

Mobile DNA elements can boost the development of malignant tumors

Nearly half of the human genome is composed of transposable elements, which are sequences of DNA that are able to replicate and relocate in the genome. Previously, transposable elements have been considered "junk" DNA in ...


An unprecedented view of gene regulation

Much of the human genome is made of regulatory regions that control which genes are expressed at a given time within a cell. Those regulatory elements can be located near a target gene or up to 2 million base pairs away from ...


Diabetes-causing gene can be regulated like a rheostat

Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and Imperial College London have found a switch that regulates the activity of a gene that causes diabetes. The findings, published in Nature Cell Biology, highlight ...


Mapping the mouse brain, and by extension, the human brain too

The circuits of the human brain contain more than 100 billion neurons, each linked to many other neurons via thousands of synaptic connections, resulting in a three-pound organ that is profoundly more complex than the sum ...

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