
Yoga helps reduce work-related stress

Physical relaxation through yoga or other practices can help reduce work-related stress, according to an analysis of studies conducted in healthcare staff.


Pain relief without opioids? Yes, it's possible

Are opioid medications the only way to fight pain? Experts at USC say no, as growing research shows that non-opioid pain medicine and other tools can help people reduce or even avoid the use of narcotics.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Could you have a sensitive gut?

(HealthDay)—If you've ever wondered why emotional distress causes stomach cramps or a mad dash to the bathroom, know that there's a direct line of communication that runs from your brain to your digestive tract.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness is key to tinnitus relief

A leading UK study has found that a new mindfulness based approach to tinnitus could transform the treatment of the condition.

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