Oncology & Cancer

Promising new treatment for deadly pediatric tumors

Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma is a type of rare pediatric tumor. For more than 40 years there have not been any new developments regarding treatment. Research led by Prof. Dr. Anton Henssen at Charité University Berlin has now ...

Medical research

Meet BORIS: Possible new culprit in drug-resistant cancer

Like a Russian bot corrupting U.S. elections, or a new prime minister wreaking havoc in the U.K., a protein named BORIS is showing itself to be a malevolent player in some childhood cancers. New research fingers BORIS as ...

Oncology & Cancer

Research shows novel drug pairing could beat pancreatic cancer

Mutations in the KRAS gene are the major driver of pancreatic cancer. The resulting protein controls multiple signaling pathways involved in cell growth and survival. In cancer, the gene is mutated to be permanently "on," ...

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