Sports medicine & Kinesiology

How to combine 'leg day' with running

James Cook University scientists in Australia say they have the solution for a problem gym-goers have when they combine endurance and weight training.


Creating a home gym on the cheap

(HealthDay)—A state-of-the-art home gym might not just be beyond the scope of your budget, it also might be beyond the scope of available space. But don't rule out this convenient fitness option so fast.


Endurance but not resistance training has anti-aging effects

Researchers have discovered evidence that endurance exercise, such as running, swimming, cross-country skiing and cycling, will help you age better than resistance exercise, which involves strength training with weights.


Weight lifting is good for your heart and it doesn't take much

Lifting weights for less than an hour a week may reduce your risk for a heart attack or stroke by 40 to 70 percent, according to a new Iowa State University study. Spending more than an hour in the weight room did not yield ...


Working workouts into your life

(HealthDay)—Weekly fitness guidelines can seem like a laundry list of to-do's that you just can't get done—30 minutes of cardio at least five days, resistance training two or three days, and at least two flexibility sessions ...

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