Psychology & Psychiatry

Mindfulness from meditation associated with lower stress hormone

(Medical Xpress)—Focusing on the present rather than letting the mind drift may help to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, suggests new research from the Shamatha Project at the University of California, Davis.


Study explores how the brain perceives direction and location

(Medical Xpress)—The Who asked "who are you?" but Dartmouth neurobiologist Jeffrey Taube asks "where are you?" and "where are you going?" Taube is not asking philosophical or theological questions. Rather, he is investigating ...


Identifying the key genes to infection resistance

Manning the gates of our immune system are toll-like receptors (TLR)—tiny hairs that stick out of the cell membrane, recognize foreign bodies, and rally an organism's defense mechanisms. The molecular building blocks of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Favorite TV reruns may have restorative powers: researcher

(Medical Xpress)—We hear all the time that we need to get off the couch, stop watching TV and get moving. But what if watching TV under specific conditions could actually provide the mental boost you need to tackle a difficult ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychologists discover a gene's link to optimism, self-esteem

( -- UCLA life scientists have identified for the first time a particlular gene's link to optimism, self-esteem and "mastery," the belief that one has control over one's own life -- three critical psychological ...

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