
Why ordinary people become heroes

You've just witnessed a horrific car crash. Your heart is pounding, you're in shock. And the decision you make in the next thirty seconds could be the difference between life and death.

Medical research

Saturated fats make some cells lose track of time—and that's bad

Foods high in fat, especially saturated fat, are bad for you. A high-fat diet is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease as well as metabolic disorders like obesity and type 2 diabetes. So why does saturated fat have these ...


Losing hour over weekend may put heart at risk Monday

(HealthDay) -- Not only do you lose an hour of sleep after the clocks move ahead to daylight saving time this weekend, you may also be at increased risk for a heart attack, an expert warns.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study finds teens benefit from 'forest bathing'—even in cities

Youth mental health in urban environments is significantly better when more nature is incorporated into city design. A new study from University of Waterloo researchers suggests that forest bathing, the simple method of being ...

Medical research

First aid: Drones make a difference

Eurac Research and Mountain Rescue South Tyrol tested the use of drones to locate and rescue accident victims in Bletterbach Gorge. The results are in, drones save valuable time and increase safety for rescue services in ...


Anti-hepatitis medicine surprises

Hepatitis C is a serious disease, but the biggest threat to someone's health is not the virus itself. Rather, it is the diseases that can result from it such as reduced liver functioning, scar tissue in the liver and potentially ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why some of us crave fear

Each Halloween, we are reminded that we are a nation divided.

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