Medical research

Engineering a photo-switch for nerve cells in the eye and brain

(Medical Xpress)—Chemists and vision scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago have designed a light-sensitive molecule that can stimulate a neural response in cells of the retina and brain—a possible first ...


Immune system can slow degenerative eye disease, mouse study shows

A new study shows that the complement system, part of the innate immune system, plays a protective role to slow retinal degeneration in a mouse model of retinitis pigmentosa, an inherited eye disease. This surprising discovery ...


Experimental drug, implanted in eye, could fight glaucoma

An experimental drug, consisting of cells manufactured and implanted in the eye to stimulate optic nerve growth and activity, could be an entirely new way of fighting glaucoma, according to BrightFocus Foundation.


Researcher builds new model to examine Usher syndrome

Usher syndrome, a rare inherited genetic disease, is a leading cause of combined deafness and blindness with type 2A (USH2A) being the most common form. USH2A, caused by mutations in the USH2A gene, can include hearing loss ...

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