
A cup of coffee a day may keep retinal damage away

(Medical Xpress)—Coffee drinkers, rejoice! Aside from java's energy jolt, food scientists say you may reap another health benefit from a daily cup of joe: prevention of deteriorating eyesight and possible blindness from ...


New genetic links found to rare eye disease

An analysis of thousands of genomes from people with and without the rare eye disease known as MacTel has turned up more than a dozen gene variants that are likely causing the condition to develop and worsen for a significant ...

Medical research

Caring for blindness: A new protein in sight?

Vasoproliferative ocular diseases are responsible for sight loss in millions of people in the industrialised countries. Many patients do not currently respond to the treatment offered, which targets a specific factor, VEGF. ...


Grape-enriched diet supports eye health

New research presented this week at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology conference in Orlando, Florida suggests that regular grape consumption may play a role in eye health by protecting the retina from ...


Bionic eye helps UK pensioner see in world first

A partially sighted British pensioner has had most of his vision restored thanks to a "bionic eye"—a device that converts video images from a miniature camera installed in his glasses to his brain.


Genome editing to treat human retinal degeneration

Gene editing therapies, including CRISPR-Cas systems, offer the potential to correct mutations causing inherited retinal degenerations, a leading cause of blindness. Technological advances in gene editing, continuing safety ...

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