
Early retina cell changes in glaucoma identified

Glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness, usually stems from elevated eye pressure, which in turn damages and destroys specialized neurons in the eye known as retinal ganglion cells. To better understand these cellular ...


Gene therapy could help treat glaucoma

Macquarie Medical School researchers have developed a technique for a gene therapy that could help treat the world's leading cause of irreversible blindness. The findings are published in the journal Molecular Therapy.


How visual information travels from the retina to the midbrain

Researchers at Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence (currently in the process of being established) have revealed the precise connections between sensory neurons inside the ...


Myopia cell discovered in retina

Northwestern Medicine scientists have discovered a cell in the retina that may cause myopia when it dysfunctions. The dysfunction may be linked to the amount of time a child spends indoors and away from natural light.


New insights into how the retina processes orientation

In a study published in Nature Communications, Northwestern Medicine scientists detail the discovery of two types of cells in the retina that determine horizontal or vertical orientation, and demonstrated for the first time ...

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