Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What is a ferret badger?

A number of animals have been suggested as the intermediary carrier of the coronavirus that has wracked the world for more than a year; most of them are familiar, but you might not have heard of the ferret badger. Here are ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 begins to exact toll on Cambodian farming

While Cambodia has been less affected by the health impacts of COVID-19, there are fears that smallholder farms will be hit hard during the wet season that runs from June to September as the fallout from restrictions and ...


Quinn on Nutrition: Diabetes update

What's new in the field of nutrition for people with diabetes? Lots, according to registered dietitian nutritionist and certified diabetes care and education specialist, Mary Ann Hodorowicz. In a recent webinar for nutrition ...


Barley: A tasty alternative to rice

(HealthDay)—Looking for a simple yet delicious way to enjoy whole grains? Start with nutritious, easy-to-cook barley, a great swap for processed grains like white rice.


The foods that schools wanted exempt from whole-grain rule

The Trump administration recently rolled back a rule that said foods like bread and pasta have to be made with whole grains. Before the rule was relaxed, schools needed temporary waivers to serve foods like white rice, which ...


Roasted root veggies make a hearty winter soup

(HealthDay)—Dense root vegetables such as sweet potatoes and parsnips benefit from roasting. They sweeten as they cook, making for healthy comfort food during cold winter months.


Alarmed by arsenic in baby food? Try this easy fix

A slew of recent studies have found scary amounts of arsenic in baby food, frightening many new parents already stressed out by all-night feedings and endless diaper changes. In a world where environmental dangers seem to ...

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