Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain can plan actions toward things the eye doesn't see

People can plan strategic movements to several different targets at the same time, even when they see far fewer targets than are actually present, according to a new study published in Psychological Science, a journal of ...


Tackling a framework for surgical innovation

An international team of investigators co-led by Weill Cornell Medical College is offering a new framework for evidence-based surgery and device research, similar to the kind of risk and benefit analysis used in evidence-based ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

People attribute minds to robots, corpses that are targets of harm

As Descartes famously noted, there's no way to really know that another person has a mind—every mind we observe is, in a sense, a mind we create. Now, new research suggests that victimization may be one condition that leads ...


Researchers rewrite obsolete blood-ordering rules

Johns Hopkins researchers have developed new guidelines—the first in more than 35 years—to govern the amount of blood ordered for surgical patients. The recommendations, based on a lengthy study of blood use at The Johns ...

Oncology & Cancer

Surgeon variation affects QoL after prostatectomy

(HealthDay)—There is a significant association between performing surgeons and patient quality of life following radical prostatectomy, according to a study published in the April issue of The Journal of Urology.


Simulator-based robotic sx curriculum hones skills

(HealthDay)—A simulator-based curriculum incorporating fundamental skills of robotic surgery (FSRS) is feasible and improves effectiveness in basic robotic surgery skills, according to a study published in the April issue ...


Sense of touch reproduced through prosthetic hand

In a study recently published in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, neurobiologists at the University of Chicago show how an organism can sense a tactile stimulus, in real time, through an ...

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