Medical research

Nontoxic scaffold developed: New skin for chronic wounds

The concept is amazing: a synthetic cell carrier is populated by skin cells and dissolves simultaneously. In just two years, the Lucerne-based company nolax and Empa have developed this project up to a first proof of concept ...

Medical research

BioSA: Bridging the gap with biodegradable metals

Millions of patients all over the world undergo surgical procedures related to bone defect repair every year. With an ever-increasing life expectancy and the issues that come with a decaying skeleton, the number of interventions ...

Medical research

Fabricated ear maintains structure and shape

Researchers have fabricated a bioartificial ear that looks and mechanically behaves like a human one, as revealed in Journal of the Royal Society Interface today.


Live 3-D printing of osteogenic scaffolds into bone defects

At the 47th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Dental Research (AADR), held in conjunction with the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR), Venu G. Varanasi (University of Texas ...

Medical research

Study coaxes clays to make human bone

Weak bones, broken bones, damaged bones, arthritic bones. Whether damaged by injury, disease or age, your body can't create new bone, but maybe science can. Researchers at North Dakota State University, Fargo, are making ...

Biomedical technology

Exploring silk's full potential

From ski slopes to Girl Scouts, Rosalyn Abbott's classroom of choice has evolved over the years, but her love for teaching and discovery remains a steady constant. On any given day, she can be found integrating biomaterials, ...

Medical research

Experimental bone can help osteoarthritis patients

Researchers from the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania are developing an artificial bone that can be used to treat osteoarthritis. The bi-functional composite imitates the complex ...

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