Medical research

Artificially engineering the intestine

Short bowel syndrome is a debilitating condition with few treatment options, and these treatments have limited efficacy. The ability to grow artificial intestine is a coveted goal with the potential to profoundly improve ...


More patients getting lab-grown body parts

By the time 10-year-old Sarah Murnaghan finally got a lung transplant last week, she'd been waiting for months, and her parents had sued to give her a better chance at surgery. Her cystic fibrosis was threatening her life, ...

Medical research

Researchers devise method for growing 3-D heart tissue

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at MIT and Charles Stark Draper Laboratory have developed a method of growing living 3-D tissue using a modified version of a machine normally used to build integrated circuits. In their paper ...

Medical research

Scars: Gone with the foam

A scar on the elbow that is strained with every movement, or a foot, on which a wound simply does not want to close—poorly healing injuries are a common cause of health restrictions. And although millions of people are ...


New scaffold design improves growth of regenerating neurons

Across the world, several million people every year suffer from spinal cord injury. These types of injuries break the communication links between the brain and body, reducing movement and sensation, and in the worst cases, ...

Medical research

Bioprinting has promising future

Writing in the journal Science, Professor Derby of The School of Materials, looks at how the concept of using printer technology to build structures in which to grow cells, is helping to regenerate tissue.

Medical research

Unique protein bond enables learning and memory

Two proteins have a unique bond that enables brain receptors essential to learning and memory to not only get and stay where they're needed, but to be hauled off when they aren't, researchers say.

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