
Using electrical stimulus to regulate genes

This is how it works. A device containing insulin-producing cells and an electronic control unit is implanted in the body of a diabetic. As soon as the patient eats something and their blood sugar rises, they can use an app ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Could your contact lenses track, treat your diabetes?

Contact lenses may someday do more than correct poor vision, with new, preliminary research in animals suggesting they could also monitor your diabetes and deliver medications.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fan of sci-fi? Psychologists have you in their sights

Science fiction has struggled to achieve the same credibility as highbrow literature. In 2019, the celebrated author Ian McEwan dismissed science fiction as the stuff of "anti-gravity boots" rather than "human dilemmas." ...


Another step toward creating brain-reading technology

A team of researchers at the University of California's Department of Neurological Surgery and the Center for Integrative Neuroscience in San Francisco has taken another step toward the development of a device able to read ...


Brain-controlled prosthetic hand to become reality

Imagine a patient controlling the movement of his or her prosthetic limb simply by thinking of commands. It may sound like science fiction but will soon become reality thanks to the EU-funded DeTOP project. A consortium of ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Were infected ticks tested as a biological weapon on the US public?

The House of Representatives has instructed the Pentagon to disclose whether it used ticks to infect the American public with Lyme disease between 1950 and 1975. The allegation comes from Chris Smith, the Republican representative ...


Innovations enhance genetic analysis of individual cells

Single cell genomics technology has given scientists the ability to individually read the genetic blueprints of cells, the most fundamental units of life. Now, the center that pioneered the technology, Bigelow Laboratory's ...

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