Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Citizen science supports tick-borne disease research

A nationwide investigation of the prevalence and distribution of ticks and exposure to tick-borne diseases highlights the value of public participation in science. The study, published on July 11th in the open-access journal ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Trapping mozzies at home to detect disease

Householders and school children are being urged to get behind a University of South Australia campaign to help keep the State free from nasty viruses and diseases.


UK announces pharma investment, aims to boost productivity

Two major drugs companies will set up new research facilities in Britain that will bring 1,750 jobs, the government said Monday as it unveiled plans to boost the country's sagging productivity after Brexit.


Beyond blue eyes or brown eyes—rethinking genetics

We often hear that traits are "genetic." And to many of us, that's code for "fate." If both our parents are tall, we think our kids will be too. Or if our grandmother has Alzheimer's disease, we assume that's our future as ...


Can genetics play a role in education and well-being?

When Daniel Benjamin was just beginning his PhD program in economics in 2001, he attended a conference with his graduate school advisers. They took in a presentation on neuroeconomics, a nascent field dealing with how the ...

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