Psychology & Psychiatry

Human screams communicate at least six emotions

Human screams signal more than fear and are more acoustically diverse than previously thought, according to a study published April 13th 2021 in the open-access journal PLOS Biology by Sascha Frühholz of the University of ...


Video: What happens when you're about to die?

As Halloween approaches, you may be watching more horror flicks. And afterwards, you might be imagining ghouls and axe murderers around every corner. The fear you feel as you watch a victim die, the screams you make when ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Screams of 'joy' sound like 'fear' when heard out of context

People are adept at discerning most of the different emotions that underlie screams, such as anger, frustration, pain, surprise or fear, finds a new study by psychologists at Emory University. Screams of happiness, however, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What is a scream? The acoustics of a primal human call

Screams are prompted by a variety of emotions—from joyful surprise to abject terror. No matter what sparks them, however, human screams share distinctive acoustic parameters that listeners are attuned to, suggests a new ...