
Cellular jetlag seems to favor the development of diabetes

Like almost all light-sensitive living beings, human beings follow biological rhythms set on a period of about 24 hours. The circadian clock (from Latin "circa" and "dies", which means "about a day") therefore describes the ...

Medical research

From mice, clues to microbiome's influence on metabolic disease

The community of microorganisms that resides in the gut, known as the microbiome, has been shown to work in tandem with the genes of a host organism to regulate insulin secretion, a key variable in the onset of the metabolic ...


Molecular aid to insulin secretion identified

Blood sugar triggers the secretion of insulin from cells in the pancreas, a process that is impaired in diabetes. A team of Yale researchers have identified a mechanism at the membranes of these pancreatic cells that controls ...

Medical research

Identification of autophagy-dependent secretion machinery

A group of researchers identified a molecular machinery by which autophagy mediates secretion. These results underscore an important role of autophagy other than degradation, and will bring us to future translational research ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Cervicovaginal secretions contain HIV-linked immune mediators

(HealthDay)—Cervicovaginal secretions from pregnant and nonpregnant women contain HIV infectivity-linked immune mediators, although there is no difference in infectivity between pregnant and nonpregnant women, according ...

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