
Research shows nerve growth protein controls blood sugar

Research led by a Johns Hopkins University biologist demonstrates the workings of a biochemical pathway that helps control glucose in the bloodstream, a development that could potentially lead to treatments for diabetes.


Study bodes well for low-carb eaters

Three low-carb meals within 24 hours lowers post-meal insulin resistance by more than 30 percent, but high-carb meals sustain insulin resistance, a condition that leads to high blood pressure, prediabetes and diabetes, according ...


Rapid improvement in insulin sensitivity with bariatric surgery

(HealthDay)—For obese patients without diabetes, bariatric surgery improves insulin sensitivity (IS), with more pronounced improvements for Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) than for laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chronic kidney disease may cause diabetes

A team from the University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre (CRCHUM) has discovered a novel link between chronic kidney disease and diabetes. When kidneys fail, urea that builds up in the blood can cause diabetes, concludes ...


Indoor allergies can flare during the dog days of summer

During the dog days of the summer, many people might find themselves staying indoors more often to avoid the heat and humidity, but a Baylor College of Medicine expert warns that there may be something to be cautious of when ...

Medical research

Study reveals how altered gut microbes cause obesity

Obesity is linked to changes in our gut microbes—the trillions of tiny organisms that inhabit our intestines. But the mechanism has not been clear. In a new study published in Nature, a Yale-led team of researchers has ...

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