
Algorithm may predict the onset of seizure clusters

Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have developed a method to predict when patients with seizure disorders such as epilepsy might be at risk for a cluster of seizures. Seizure clusters are seizures that ...


Sudden, unexplained child deaths often have a genetic cause

When a baby or toddler dies without warning, parents often blame themselves. A study at Boston Children's may provide some insight into sudden, unexplained child deaths and perhaps a measure of closure. It suggests that at ...


Study yields tiny targets for healing human memory

The discovery could offer a way to measure the effectiveness of memory-restoring therapies including medications and deep-brain stimulation. It also could be a step toward recovering lost memory among patients with a variety ...


New research could lead to better treatment for epilepsy

Scientists have discovered that the way in which neurons are connected within regions of the brain, can be a better indicator of disease progression and treatment outcomes for people with brain disorders such as epilepsy.


Sexual assault tied to psychogenic nonepileptic seizures in women

(HealthDay)—Sexual assault trauma may partly explain why women are more likely to develop psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES), according to a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, ...

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