Psychology & Psychiatry

Wide-faced men make others act selfishly

Two assistant professors of management at the University of California, Riverside and several other researchers have previously shown that men with wider faces are more aggressive, less trustworthy and more prone to engaging ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Deliberation is staunchest ally of selfishness

(Medical Xpress)—Over the last two years, Yale psychologist David Rand and colleagues have investigated what makes people willing to help each other. Their latest research shows that while initial reactions are shaped by ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Antibiotic resistance—it's a social thing

Trace concentrations of antibiotic, such as those found in sewage outfalls, are enough to enable bacteria to keep antibiotic resistance, new research from the University of York has found. The concentrations are much lower ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Selfish people have fewer children and earn less money

What happens to those who behave unselfishly and make sacrifices for the sake of others? According to an interdisciplinary study by researchers from Stockholm University, the Institute for Futures Studies and the University ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Late motherhood—a matter of choice?

(Medical Xpress)—When women give birth in their late thirties or in their forties, it is not necessarily the result of a lifestyle choice – putting off motherhood for career reasons or from a desire to "have it all".  ...

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