Oncology & Cancer

Pregnancy reprograms breast cells, reducing cancer risk

An early age of pregnancy (25 years and younger) is known to reduce the overall risk of breast cancer by over 30%. CSHL Assistant Professor Camila dos Santos spent several years teasing out the molecular details behind the ...

Oncology & Cancer

Leukemia: Mode of action of a targeted treatment clarified

The mechanism of senescence – or premature cell ageing – can have an anticancer effect. This new work, conducted by Hugues de Thé and his team (Paris Diderot University/ Inserm/ CNRS/ AP-HP), was published in Nature ...


How preeclampsia accelerates aging in women

Preeclampsia—the life-threatening surge in blood pressure that strikes 1 in 25 pregnancies—is an enigmatic condition. Each year, it causes the deaths of more than 70,000 women worldwide. Because scientists do not know ...


New gene linked to osteoporosis identified

Osteoporosis—weakening of the bones with age—affects millions worldwide, and this figure is increasing annually as the global population ages. It is associated with the aging, or "senescence," of bone cells, but the underlying ...

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