
Brain pacemakers without side effects

For Parkinson's disease (PD) patients whose symptoms cannot be controlled by medication, 'Deep brain stimulation' (DBS) may be the only hope. While DBS is generally considered to be safe, side effects related to the stimulation ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When red evokes mischief

The color red is usually associated with inducing compliant behavior with stop signs, warning lights and corrections on a graded assignment.


Beware broken glow sticks

(HealthDay)—Letting kids chew or cut glow sticks is a bad idea, health experts say.


Meaning of brain scans for 'pain' called into question

Patterns of brain activity thought to show pain responses have been called into question after researchers from UCL and the University of Reading saw such patterns in rare patients born without a sense of pain.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sensation-seeking, reward sensitivity and early cannabis use

Sensation seeking is a personality trait that describes a person's tendency to seek out novel and exciting experiences, and a high level of sensation seeking has been implicated as a risk factor for addiction. According to ...


From nuclear research to surgery technology

A JRC invention initially stemming from its research in the nuclear sector will soon be used by hospitals for minimally-invasive robotic surgery. TELELAP ALF-X is an advanced multi-port robotic system that will empower surgeons ...


US military develops prosthetic hand that can 'feel'

Researchers fitted a man who has been paralyzed for more than a decade with an experimental prosthetic hand that lets him "feel" sensations, the US military's futuristic development department said.


Researchers pinpoint epicenter of brain's predictive ability

In recent years, scientists have discovered the human brain works on predictions, contrary to the previously accepted theory that it reacts to the sensations it picks up from the outside world. Experts say humans' reactions ...

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