
Eyes have a natural version of night vision

To see under starlight and moonlight, the retina of the eye changes both the software and hardware of its light-sensing cells to create a kind of night vision. Retinal circuits that were thought to be unchanging and programmed ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Bacterial conversations in cystic fibrosis

"A large part of my research is thinking about how bacteria communicate," says Sophie Darch. The postdoctoral researcher works with School of Biological Sciences Professor Marvin Whiteley, studying the social lives of bacteria.


A neuron can cause a domino effect

Loss of the sense of smell can indicate a neural disease like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. However, contrary to previous belief, degenerations in the nervous system do not play a leading role in the loss of the sense ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A woman learns to live with dissociative identity disorder

Until she was 40 years old, Melanie Goodwin had no memory of her life before the age of 16. Then, a family tragedy triggered a cataclysmic psychological change. Suddenly she was aware of other identities inside her, and the ...


When neurons are 'born' impacts olfactory behavior in mice

New research from North Carolina State University shows that neurons generated at different life stages in mice can impact aspects of their olfactory sense and behavior. The work could have implications for our understanding ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Witnesses can catch criminals by smell

Move over sniffer dogs, people who witnessed a crime are able to identify criminals by their smell. Police lineups normally rely on sight, but nose-witnesses can be just as reliable as eye-witnesses, new research published ...


Understanding Olfaction: An Interview with Elizabeth Hong

You walk by a bakery, smell the scent of fresh cookies, and are immediately reminded of baking with your grandmother as a child. The seemingly simple act of learning to associate a smell with a good or bad outcome is actually ...

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