Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Safe sex or no sex after visiting Zika-hit areas: WHO

People who travel to Zika-hit areas should practice safe sex or have no sex at all for at least eight weeks after their return to avoid sexual transmission of the virus, WHO said Tuesday.

Medical research

A deeper take on our sexual nature

The organs in our body may have a sexual identity of their own, new research suggests. The idea that our organs could be "male" or "female" raises the possibility that women and men may need different treatments as a result. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ireland advises condom use to stop Zika virus

Ireland on Wednesday urged men to wear a condom during sex for one month after returning from a country affected by the Zika virus, as Britain said returning travellers cannot donate blood for a month.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ebola virus found in semen six months after recovery: WHO

Traces of Ebola have been found in the semen of a man six months after his recovery, the World Health Organization said Wednesday, urging survivors to practice safe sex "until further notice".

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sperm can carry Ebola for 82 days: WHO

Sperm can carry the Ebola virus for at least 82 days, the World Health Organization said Friday, urging men recovering from the disease to use condoms for three months after the onset of symptoms.

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