Medical research

The neurobiology of food attraction

Animals use their sense of smell to navigate the world—to find food, sniff out mates and smell danger. But when a hungry animal smells food and a member of the opposite sex at the same time, what makes dinner the more attractive ...


Higher rates of chronic pain in women linked to genetics

Women may be at greater risk of experiencing chronic pain because the condition has a different genetic basis in men and women. Keira Johnston of the University of Glasgow and colleagues report these findings in a new study ...


Brain disease research reveals differences between sexes

Men and women are impacted differently by brain diseases, like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Researchers are urging their colleagues to remember those differences when researching treatments and cures.


Biological sex affects genes for body fat, cancer, birth weight

Biological sex has a small but ubiquitous influence on gene expression in almost every type of human tissue, reports a new study from Northwestern Medicine, the University of Chicago and the Centre for Genomic Regulation ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

'Oral' bacteria may disrupt the balance of the vaginal microbiome

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an imbalance of the vaginal microbiome that can lead to adverse health outcomes, including increased likelihood of potential pathogens colonizing the vagina, yet the mechanisms underlying these ...

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