
Getting women in the mood for sex

Even before ancient Egyptians, the search was on for aphrodisiacs that stimulated sexual desire and pleasure. Today, although we better understand the science behind desire, there is still much to be learned. The Presidential ...


Site of male sexual desire uncovered in brain

The locus of male sexual desire has been uncovered in specific regions of brain tissue where a key gene named aromatase is present, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study in mice.


'Female Viagra:' Long overdue or Big Pharma overkill?

Addyi - better known as "female Viagra" (though it's not a very accurate comparison) - is either a long-overdue acknowledgment that women's sexual health matters as much as men's, or the latest attempt to make women feel ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is sexual addiction the real deal?

Controversy exists over what some mental health experts call "hypersexuality," or sexual "addiction." Namely, is it a mental disorder at all, or something else? It failed to make the cut in the recently updated Diagnostic ...

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