Online intervention shows promise in HIV prevention

More than 67 percent of all new HIV infections in the United States in 2016 occurred as a result of transmission through sexual contact among men who have sex with men (MSM). Young gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex ...


How often do people have sex?

Australians report having sex once or twice a week, on average. For Brits, it's less than once a week, while Americans report having sex two to three times a week.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Are you sabotaging your sex life?

(HealthDay)—Research confirms that a good sex life is a key to strong feelings of intimacy and satisfaction for both partners in a relationship.


What predicts teen partner rape?

If teen partner rape could be predicted, it could be better prevented. Social scientists from Michigan State University are helping close that gap by identifying risk factors linked to sexual violence in young women's first ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How humour can change your relationship

A sense of humour is an attractive trait. There is abundant cross cultural evidence that shows that being funny makes you more desirable as a mate, especially if you are a man. But once the initial flirting is over, and you ...


We need to talk about sexuality after stroke

Stroke survivors and their partners are not adequately supported to deal with changes to their relationships, self-identity, gender roles and intimacy following stroke, according to new research from the University of Sydney.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Uncertainty in a date dampens interest in a mate

According to a new study, those who feel greater certainty that a prospective romantic partner reciprocates their interest will put more effort into seeing that person again, while rating the possible date as more sexually ...

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