Medical research

Why age reduces our stem cells' ability to repair muscle

As we age, stem cells throughout our bodies gradually lose their capacity to repair damage, even from normal wear and tear. Researchers from the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa have discovered ...

Medical research

Researchers discover a key to making new muscles

Researchers at Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute (Sanford-Burnham) have developed a novel technique to promote tissue repair in damaged muscles. The technique also creates a sustainable pool of muscle stem cells ...

Medical research

Tension triggers muscle building

Skeletal muscles are built from small contractile units, the sarcomeres. Many of these sarcomeres are connected in a well-ordered series to form myofibrils that span from one muscle end to the other. Contractions of these ...

Medical research

Nanoparticles treat muscular dystrophy in mice

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have demonstrated a new approach to treating muscular dystrophy. Mice with a form of this muscle-weakening disease showed improved strength and heart function ...

Medical research

Certain type of fat could help humans lose weight

(Medical Xpress)—A diet high in a certain type of fat may actually increase metabolism, according to recent research by Texas Tech University nutrition scientists.

Medical research

Aging really is 'in your head'

Among scientists, the role of proteins called sirtuins in enhancing longevity has been hotly debated, driven by contradictory results from many different scientists. But new research at Washington University School of Medicine ...

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