Medical research

Endocannabinoids trigger inflammation that leads to diabetes

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have clarified in rodent and test tube experiments the role that inflammation plays in type 2 diabetes, and revealed a possible molecular target for treating ...

Medical research

New muscle power from the lab

(Medical Xpress)—Unlike the heart muscle, the musculature of the locomotive organs has the capacity to heal itself. What makes this possible are muscle-specific stem cells known as satellite cells. Located on the muscle ...

Medical research

Scientists make insulin-producing cells self-replicate

(Medical Xpress)—Scientists have discovered a hormone that causes the body's insulin-producing factories, beta cells, to churn out more of themselves. Having enough insulin is critical to regulating the amount of sugar ...

Medical research

Blood vessels 'sniff' gut microbes to regulate blood pressure

Researchers at The Johns Hopkins University and Yale University have discovered that a specialized receptor, normally found in the nose, is also in blood vessels throughout the body, sensing small molecules created by microbes ...


Faulty gene linked to condition in infants

(Medical Xpress)—Researchers at King's College London have for the first time identified a defective gene at the root of Vici syndrome, a rare inherited disorder which affects infants from birth, leading to impaired development ...

Medical research

Lab-engineered muscle implants restore function in animals

New research shows that exercise is a key step in building a muscle-like implant in the lab with the potential to repair muscle damage from injury or disease. In mice, these implants successfully prompt the regeneration and ...

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