
Secret to health benefits of sunshine is more than vitamin D

Summer sunshine makes most of us feel better, but there may be more to the benefits than just feeling good. A growing body of evidence suggests sunlight itself – with adequate protection, of course – may actually be good ...


How summer and diet damage your DNA, and what you can do

Today, your body will accumulate quadrillions of new injuries in your DNA. The constant onslaught of many forms of damage, some of which permanently mutates your genes, could initiate cancer and prove fatal. Yet all is not ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study finds no need for lymph node surgery in some melanomas

Worldwide, people who are diagnosed with melanoma are urged to have any lymph nodes that test positive for cancer removed, but researchers said Saturday the operation doesn't necessarily help patients live longer.

Oncology & Cancer

Should there be age restrictions on tanning beds?

Earlier this month, the Food and Drug Administration proposed steps to prevent the use of indoor tanning beds. They want to restrict usage to people 18 years of age and older, and they want tanning bed manufacturers and facilities ...


Sunscreen 101

(HealthDay)—Many people make mistakes when using sunscreen that could increase their risk of skin cancer, a new study suggests.

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