Oncology & Cancer

Researchers discover how lactic acid weakens anti-tumor defenses

In cancer research, it has long been known that lactic acid, or lactate, is produced in large quantities by cancer cells and that this lactic acid disrupts our defense against tumors. Until now, however, we did not know exactly ...


How epigenetics influence memory formation

When we form a new memory, the brain undergoes physical and functional changes known collectively as a "memory trace." A memory trace represents the specific patterns of activity and structural modifications of neurons that ...

Oncology & Cancer

Patients with rare skin cancer face 40% recurrence rate

Patients treated for Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) face a five-year recurrence rate of 40%—markedly higher than the recurrence rates for melanoma and other skin cancers, according to research published today in JAMA Dermatology.


Suffering from psoriasis? Blame this trio of proteins

About 7.5 million Americans suffer from psoriasis, an autoimmune disease that shows up as patches of red, inflamed skin and painful, scaly rashes. Although there are effective treatments for psoriasis, not everyone responds ...

Medical research

Using light to stop itch

Itch is easily one of the most annoying sensations. For chronic skin diseases like eczema, it's a major symptom. Although it gives temporary relief, scratching only makes things worse because it can cause skin damage, additional ...

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