Medical research

Rapamycin may slow skin aging, study reports

The search for youthfulness typically turns to lotions, supplements, serums and diets, but there may soon be a new option joining the fray. Rapamycin, a FDA-approved drug normally used to prevent organ rejection after transplant ...


Research identifies obesity and infection link

The list of diseases and conditions complicated by obesity is a long one; it includes heart disease, cancer, diabetes and impaired wound healing, as well as skin infections. It is not always clear, however, in what way this ...


Mechanism of impaired wound healing in diabetes identified

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified a mechanism that can explain the impaired wound healing in diabetes which can lead to diabetic foot ulcers. The study is published in the scientific journal Proceedings ...

Medical research

Loose RNA molecules rejuvenate skin, researchers discover

Want to smooth out your wrinkles, erase scars and sunspots, and look years younger? Millions of Americans a year turn to lasers and prescription drugs to rejuvenate their skin, but exactly how that rejuvenation works has ...

Medical research

Lab-grown stem cells regenerate monkey hearts: study

In a step forward for organ regeneration, stem cells grown from a single monkey's skin cells revitalised the damaged hearts of five sick macaques, scientists reported Monday.

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