
Sleep warning for older men

Men aged 65 and over should monitor their sleep patterns and seek medical advice after a warning from Flinders University experts that disrupted slumber can be linked to cognitive dysfunction.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep keeps teens on track for good mental health

As families settle back into a new school year, sleep experts at the University of South Australia are reminding parents about the importance of teenagers getting enough sleep, cautioning them that insufficient sleep can ...


Sleep is irreplaceable for the recovery of the brain

Sleep is ubiquitous in animals and humans and vital for healthy functioning. Thus, sleep after training improves performance on various tasks in comparison to equal periods of active wakefulness. However, it has been unclear ...


Getting a grip on better health

Men with muscles like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger or a top weightlifter look powerful but a handshake will give away whether they're a healthy specimen—or at risk of a chronic disease or premature aging, experts say.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep loss hijacks brain's activity during learning

Sleep is crucial for consolidating our memories, and sleep deprivation has long been known to interfere with learning and memory. Now a new study shows that getting only half a night's sleep—as many medical workers and ...


Generalized epilepsy tied to higher sleep apnea risk

(HealthDay)—Patients with generalized epilepsy have a higher risk for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), according to a study published in the October issue of Epilepsy & Behavior.

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