
Students with intense smartphone use sleep worse

Smartphones play an important role in students their daily lives. The question is whether this smartphone use is that innocent. New research conducted at Ghent University and University of Antwerp (Belgium) suggest it is ...


Getting a good night's sleep complicated by menopause

The value of a good night's sleep can't be underestimated. Unfortunately, sleep complaints are common during the menopause transition. A new study from Canada compared sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleep disorders between ...


How to maintain quality sleep during the holiday travel season

With shorter daylight hours, busier than usual schedules and travel to different time zones, the holiday season can disrupt our circadian rhythm and create sleep difficulties—making it even harder to avoid stress, enjoy ...


The wellness boost of a purposeful life

(HealthDay)—Research has long shown how psychological disorders lead to poor physical health. Now scientists are learning more about the flip side of emotions, how living a purposeful life may have as many physical benefits ...


Kids + gadgets = less sleep and more risk for unwanted weight

(HealthDay)—If you're an adult managing sleep problems, you likely know that part of creating an environment conducive to sleep includes turning off all gadgets at least an hour before bed because of the effects of the ...


Caregivers of people with dementia are losing sleep

Caregivers of people with dementia lose between 2.5 to 3.5 hours of sleep weekly due to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep—a negative for themselves and potentially for those who receive their care, Baylor University ...

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