Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Improving deep sleep may prevent dementia, study finds

As little as 1% reduction in deep sleep per year for people over 60 years of age translates into a 27% increased risk of dementia, according to a study which suggests that enhancing or maintaining deep sleep, also known as ...


Too much sleep bad for brain, study says

Preliminary results from the world's largest sleep study have shown that people who sleep on average between seven to eight hours per night performed better cognitively than those who slept less – or more – than this ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Study finds prolonged sleep may predict dementia risk

Data from the Framingham Heart Study has shown that people who consistently sleep more than nine hours each night had double the risk of developing dementia in 10 years as compared to participants who slept for 9 hours or ...

Sleep disorders

After watching disturbing video, CPAP usage soars

Like more than 20 million other Americans, John Brugger has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. He snored, tossed and turned and struggled to breathe during the night, which often left him not only exhausted the next day but ...


Sleep boosts production of brain support cells

Sleep increases the reproduction of the cells that go on to form the insulating material on nerve cell projections in the brain and spinal cord known as myelin, according to an animal study published in the September 4 issue ...

Sleep disorders

Hormones linked with sleep apnea, snoring in postmenopausal women

Middle-aged women with low levels of estrogen and progesterone are more likely to snore and to report symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, according to a new study published this week in PLoS ONE by Kai Triebner of University ...

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