
Managing sleep during menopause

Women typically go through menopause between the ages of 45–55. It's a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's reproductive cycle. This transition can usher in many symptoms, including hot flashes, anxiety ...


The importance of sleep during the teen years

With busy schedules full of challenges ranging from extra curriculars to college applications, it can be difficult for teenagers to get enough sleep. An expert at Baylor College of Medicine discusses the importance of a full ...


Q&A: Is there a wrong way—or time—to nap?

I am retired, and although I generally enjoy less hectic days now, I keep busy. Part of my routine includes trying to squeeze in a nap on most afternoons. My wife tells me that I'm doing it wrong because I often wake up groggy. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The timekeeper within: New discovery on how the brain judges time

From Aristotle's musings on the nature of time to Einstein's theory of relativity, humanity has long pondered: how do we perceive and understand time? The theory of relativity posits that time can stretch and contract, a ...

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