
Harnessing human evolution to advance precision medicine

Humans are still evolving, and Tatum Simonson, Ph.D., founder and co-director of the Center for Physiological Genomics of Low Oxygen at University of California School of Medicine, plans to use evolution to improve health ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Streamlining cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia

A combination of cognitive and behavioral strategies, ideally delivered in person by a therapist, maximizes the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), according to new research. CBT-I is a form of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sleep may be compromised with a bed partner

If you're having trouble sleeping, perhaps contact with a bedmate is causing the problem, say University of Michigan researchers.


Breathing patterns during sleep found to impact memory processes

How are memories consolidated during sleep? In 2021, researchers led by Dr. Thomas Schreiner, leader of the Emmy Noether junior research group at LMU's Department of Psychology, had already shown there was a direct relationship ...

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