
A regimen for treating environmental enteric dysfunction

A team of medical researchers at Washington University School of Medicine, working with colleagues from the University of Zambia School of Medicine and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, has developed a regimen for treating children ...


Why does alcohol make my poo go weird?

As we enter the festive season it's a good time to think about what all those celebratory alcoholic drinks can do to your gut.


Study paints a new picture of colon development in mammals

University of Oregon researchers are filling in gaps in our understanding of the formation and growth the colon, a crucial part of the digestive system, by being among the first to apply modern molecular biology tools to ...


Q&A: Treatment for a parastomal hernia

Question: My friend had a stoma created after years of managing Crohn's disease. She recently had surgery to repair a hernia. What is a stoma, and are these types of hernias common? What is the typical treatment?

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