
Surprising culprit worsens stroke, TBI damage

In the aftermath of a stroke or TBI, a group of amino acids that typically support brain function contribute significantly to the brain destruction that can follow both these injuries, scientists report.


How your eyes could help diagnose high blood pressure

Most people over the age of 40 regularly see an optometrist. But while most see their optometrist for an eye exam, many don't realize just how much our eyes can tell someone about our health. In fact, your eyes may actually ...


Study finds women have more brain changes after menopause

Women who have gone through menopause may have more of a brain biomarker called white matter hyperintensities than premenopausal women or men of the same age, according to a new study published in the June 29, 2022, online ...

Medical research

Intermittent fasting protects kidneys of obese mice

New research in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity finds that time-restricted feeding improves markers of kidney and vascular health. The research will be presented this week at the American Physiological Society (APS) ...


Blood vessel breakthrough major step towards Alzheimer's treatment

A breakthrough in our understanding of Alzheimer's disease has revealed changes to blood vessels in the brain, potentially presenting a path for developing new drugs to help fight the disease, according to University of Manchester ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Black Death origin mystery solved... 675 years later

A deadly pandemic with mysterious origins: it might sound like a modern headline, but scientists have spent centuries debating the source of the Black Death that devastated the medieval world.

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