
New evidence of how exercise can counter diabetes damage

One way exercise can counter the damage of diabetes is by enabling activation of a natural system we have to grow new blood vessels when existing ones are ravaged by this disease, scientists report.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

'Zapping' air passages may bring relief for severe asthma

Inhalers, pills or injections help most people control their asthma, but some with severe disease opt for cutting-edge surgery that "remodels" their airways to improve their breathing.


Using stem cells to regenerate the heart

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the world. One reason is that unlike other tissues, such as bone and skin, the heart has remarkably poor regenerative capability after an injury such as a heart attack. ...


Gene helps dietary fat find its way in the body

After you finish a milkshake or a bowl of guacamole, those dietary fats have a typical route through your body. New research from the laboratory of Dr. Natasza Kurpios, associate professor in the Department of Molecular Medicine ...

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