Psychology & Psychiatry

Could eating fruit more often keep depression at bay?

People who frequently eat fruit are more likely to report greater positive mental well-being and are less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who do not, according to new research from the College of Health ...


Unhealthy' image influences adolescents' food choices

Adolescents more readily choose an unhealthy snack if they've been shown a picture of, for example, crisps or chocolate. This is the main finding of research conducted among Amsterdam schoolchildren by researchers from the ...


Multiple screen use affects snack choices

Using multiple screen devices simultaneously while snacking may influence food choices, according to a new Michigan State University study.


The right snack may aid satiety, weight loss

Healthy snacks that promote a feeling of fullness (satiety) may reduce the amount of food intake at subsequent meals and limit overall food consumption, according to a presentation today at the 2013 Institute of Food Technologists ...


US will investigate added caffeine in foods (Update)

Looking for a new way to get that jolt of caffeine energy? Food companies are betting snacks like potato chips, jelly beans and gum with a caffeinated kick could be just the answer.

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