
Nothing fishy about fish oil fortified nutrition bars

In today's fast-paced society, consumers often reach for nutrition bars when looking for a healthy on-the-go snack. A new study in the September issue of the Journal of Food Science published by the Institute of Food Technologists ...


New study examines what could predict children's snack choices

Attitudes, relationships, intentions and personal behavior control are all factors that could affect a child's decision in either reaching for an apple or grabbing a bag of chips, according to a new study out of the University ...


Water—the office hero

The culture of grabbing something quick to eat amid a mounting pile of to-dos at work often leads to making the wrong decisions when searching for something to eat in the workplace. Unplanned cake offerings and the emergence ...


Children's snacking habits mirror their parents'

New research into children's snacking habits has found that big snacking parents may inadvertently influence their children to eat more. The researchers behind the study believe that encouraging parents to snack less could ...

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