Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

CDC: 24 E. coli illnesses linked to frozen foods

(AP)—Health officials say at least 24 people have become sick from an outbreak of E. coli infections linked to frozen snack foods marketed to children.


Good carbs for optimal health

Do you push away the breadbasket or opt out of any meal that includes macaroni? If so, chances are you are one of the millions of people watching your carbs, or carbohydrates.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain stimulation to reduce food cravings? The data so far...

Available research suggests that noninvasive stimulation of a specific brain area can reduce food cravings—particularly for high-calorie, "appetitive" foods, according to a review in the Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal ...


Ecuador's school food is bad for kids—and the environment

Each year, malnutrition costs Ecuador the equivalent of 4.3% of its gross domestic product, as the resulting health burden and reduced potential productivity places an economic toll on society. That was the unsettling conclusion ...


Nutrient-laden snacks can meaningfully cut cholesterol

(HealthDay)—A suite of ready-to-eat bioactive snacks can meaningfully reduce cholesterol in patients unwilling or unable to take statin drugs, according to a study published Jan. 26 in the Journal of Nutrition.


Trying to limit calories? Skip the dip, researchers advise

Snacks provide, on average, about one-fourth of most people's daily calories. With nearly 1 in 3 adults in the United States overweight and more than 2 in 5 with obesity, according to the National Institutes of Health, researchers ...

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