
New study highlights perils of snack-filled diet

A high-fat diet can be bad for your health. However, a snack-based "cafeteria"-style diet of highly palatable, energy-dense foods is even worse, according to new research.


Organic food label imparts 'health halo,' study finds

Don't judge food by its organic label because "organic" doesn't necessarily mean good it's for you. Yet a new study by Jenny Wan-Chen Lee, a graduate student in Cornell's Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, ...


Good carbs for optimal health

Do you push away the breadbasket or opt out of any meal that includes macaroni? If so, chances are you are one of the millions of people watching your carbs, or carbohydrates.


Nigerian snacks may be delicious, but are they safe?

Food safety is a concern for Nigerians after increasing reports of food-borne illnesses in recent years. According to the Consumer Advocacy for Food Safety and Nutrition Initiative (CAFSANI), consumption of unsafe food in ...


Why are peanuts notorious for causing allergies?

The average European has access to thousands of different kinds of food, yet some are more problematic than others. Dairy, shellfish, wheat and especially peanuts are high on the list of common allergens.

Overweight & Obesity

Mexico targets junk food as obesity takes toll amid pandemic

As more states propose or approve bans on junk food sales to minors, Mexico is seeing the tide turn against high-calorie snacks that experts say have given the country one of the highest rates of childhood obesity and an ...

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