
New rules aim to rid US schools of junk foods

(AP)—High-calorie sports drinks and candy bars will be removed from vending machines and cafeteria lines at all U.S. schools as soon as next year, replaced with diet drinks, granola bars and other healthier items.


US will investigate added caffeine in foods (Update)

Looking for a new way to get that jolt of caffeine energy? Food companies are betting snacks like potato chips, jelly beans and gum with a caffeinated kick could be just the answer.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

CDC: 24 E. coli illnesses linked to frozen foods

(AP)—Health officials say at least 24 people have become sick from an outbreak of E. coli infections linked to frozen snack foods marketed to children.


Nothing fishy about fish oil fortified nutrition bars

In today's fast-paced society, consumers often reach for nutrition bars when looking for a healthy on-the-go snack. A new study in the September issue of the Journal of Food Science published by the Institute of Food Technologists ...


Poll shows strong voter support for school nutrition standards

Eighty percent of American voters favor national standards that would limit calories, fat, and sodium in snack and à la carte foods sold in U.S. schools and encourage the consumption of fruits, vegetables and low-fat ...


Nutritionists offer tips for kids' snacks, lunches

University of Maine nutritionists are available to offer advice for parents and guardians looking to pack healthy -- and appealing -- lunchboxes for children and adolescents, and to identify the benefits of school-prepared ...

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