Psychology & Psychiatry

Is emotional eating sabotaging your weight-loss efforts?

You know losing that extra weight would be good for your health. Your health care team talked with you about how obesity increases your risk of other health issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and ...


Good carbs for optimal health

Do you push away the breadbasket or opt out of any meal that includes macaroni? If so, chances are you are one of the millions of people watching your carbs, or carbohydrates.


For a healthy fruit snack, what would you choose?

Next time you're packing lunch for your kid or reaching for a healthy afternoon bite, consider this: only three types of fruit snacks—dried fruit, fruit puree and canned fruit with juice—meet the latest recommendations ...


The science behind why we snack, and how to do it better

From boredom to corporate marketing, there are a lot of reasons people snack. And not all snacks are the same. Some can boost your diet, while others can leave you feeling bloated and tired. In America, many snackers are ...

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